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2018년 4월 고3 전국연합학력평가 28번 해설/모의고사/기출문제

by criticalgirl 2018. 4. 22.

28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

  According to Pierre Pica, understanding quantities approcimately in terms oof estimating ratioos is a universal human intuition. In fact, humans who do not have numbers have no choice but ①to see the world in this way. By contrast, understanding quantities in terms of exact numbers is not a universal intuition: it is a product of culture. The precedence of approcimations and ratios over exact numbers, Pica suggests, ②is due to the fact that ratios are much more important for survival in the wild than the ability to count. ③Faced with a group of spear-wielding adversaries, we needed to know instantly whether there were more of them than us. When we saw two trees we needed to know instantly ④that had more fruit hanging from it. In neither case was it ⑤necessary to enumerate every enemy or every fruit individually. The crucial thing was to be able to make quick estimates of the relative amounts.


정답 : 4

동사 자리가 아니므로 맞는 문장이다.

do not have와 have가 동사 2개이기 때문에 접속사 who 하나가 있다.

have no choice but to+V : ~할 수밖에 없다.

The precedence of approcimations and ratios over exact numbers (삽입구) is due to the fact that ratios are much more important for survival in the wild than the ability to count.

The precedence가 주어이다. 주어가 3인칭, 단수, 현재이므로 is가 맞다.

분사구문의 태!

face는 자동사로 착각하기 쉽지만 타동사이다. 따라서 타동사의 목적어가 없고, 뒤에 전치사가 왔지만 수동태로 바뀌지 않았기 때문에 과거분사 faced가 맞다.

과거분사, S+V ->분사구문!

Faced with a group of spear-wielding adversaries, we needed to know instantly whether there were more of them than us.

이 문장에서는 needed와 were이 동사이다. 동사 2개이므로 접속사는 1개가 필요하다. 접속사는 whether이다. whether절은 know의 목적어이다.

명사절 비교문제!

what + 부족한 문장

that + 완전문장

When we saw two trees we needed to know that had more fruit hanging from it.

saw, needed, had 동사가 3개이므로 접속사는 when과 that 2개이다.

when절은 부사절이다.

생략하고 뒤를 보면 we needed to know that had more fruit hanging from it.

know의 목적어 자리에 that절이 있다. 하지만 that 뒤에 주어가 빠진 부족한 문장이므로 what이 들어가야 한다.


